Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 1

Well. Here we are. It's 3:00 pm on Sunday, and my husband has been voluntarily jobless for 24 hours.  It's been a shock and very unexpected.  It's not like this was a planned departure from the job,  he'd simply had enough, and it was up to me as to whether or not we could do it. It took a GIANT leap of faith...

For the last two years, we've lived a cushy life.  Life was finally starting to get easy.  We both had great jobs, we had a very happy marriage, and with no kids, spoiled ourselves as much as we wanted to.  It was great.  And now it's changing...

It all started at about 2:30 pm on January 3rd.  The Mr. and I had been fighting for what seemed like the last week.  It mainly stemmed from us not having enough time together, as we worked completely opposite schedules,  but we also couldn't ignore the fact that his job was making him MISERABLE.  There was a certain manager at his job who basically would do anything to make an extra buck (I should also tell you his job was at a "house of ill repute")  including throwing his employee's chances at making money, completely out the window.  This as well as many other things that come with working in that environment.  The job was coming between our marriage and something had to give. 

Mr. called me at about 3:00 pm and said "I want to quit tonight. Can we do it?!".  Meaning, can we afford to live on one income?  I've been the top breadwinner in our house, and therefore have controlled the finances for the last few years, I was standing int he middle of the mall, holding a bag of clothes I'd just bought, but of course didn't really need, when I took a leap of faith and told him yes, we could.  

This blog will be all about how we do it, and how we change as he starts the pursuit of a job that he actually loves, and I learn to cope with trying to be a wife, and also the sole supporter of our family.  Temporarily....